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RM 620 Chisolm Trail Intersection.jpg
Austin District Projects

I-35 Capital Express North: PS&E geotechnical engineering and scheduling support services for the estimated $400 million project to add one non-tolled managed lane to I-35 from SH 45N to US 290 in Williamson and Travis Counties


RM 620: Constructability and schedule review for the $27.4 million project to widen lanes and add frontage roads and bicycle/pedestrian facilities along RM 620 from I-35 to Deep Wood Drive, build overpasses at Chisholm Trail and Lake Creek Drive, construct a roundabout at Chisholm Trail under RM 620, and elevate RM 620 over the UP rail line at Chisolm Trail in Round Rock

I-35 CapEx North Drilling Samples.JPG

Foresight monitors drilling activities and performs geotechnical analysis for the CapEx North Project 

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